Oimoi Productions


“the incredible chemistry between these two friends was refreshing, and the poetry itself was, for the most part, captivating…my only complaint? Too short!” – Scott Humphrey, Bloody Underrated

“These two actresses blushing, trying to articulate ancient truths in a tiny room…were thoroughly magnetic.” Lyla McQueen Shah, Montreal Rampage

Ephemer-illz is an experimental, improvisational piece where Lynn and Carina perform and respond to pieces of Ancient Greek lyric poetry, along the themes of death, drinking, memory, and love. No two performances are ever the same- the conversation continues over the run. There is always beer.

Ephemer-illz is coming to the Wildside Offside Festival! Playing January 8th, 2015, at 11pm in the lobby of the Centaur Theatre. Admission is free, suggested donation $5.



Past Performances

Bowery Arts + Science, (15 mins)


Bowery Poetry, 308 Bowery, NYC

21 sept 8:30 pm

22 sept 6:30 pm

2014 Montreal Fringe Festival, Freestanding Room (30 mins)

June 5, 7 pm

June 6, 9 pm

June 7, 9 pm

June 8, 7 pm

June 11, 5 pm

June 13, 9 pm

June 14, 5 pm

June 15, 7 pm

June 18, 9 pm

June 19, 7 pm

June 20, 9 pm & 11 pm

Ephemer-ills premiered at the ShortStanding Festival of Short Performances, from the 12th-23rd February, 2014, at the Freestanding Room, Montreal.

“the hilarious conversation that resulted was one I was glad to witness. De Klerk effortlessly quotes Greek tragedy over a beer, her eloquence beautifully complemented by her casual (if a little nervous) demeanor. I would happily listen to her spout ancient poetry for much longer than this short piece allowed.” – Victoria Laberge, Bloody Underrated


Newborn Theatre Feature Piece




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