Tragic Saturday Afternoons

Oimoi Productions proudly hosts Tragic Saturday Afternoons (a continuation of Amy Chartrand’s Tragedy in the Park series), 4 pm Saturdays at the Freestanding Room. Come, read, and casually discuss a tragedy, ancient or modern. Snacks, beer, and scripts provided, but please RSVP with or on Facebook.


April 29, Tragic Friday 5à7 (part of Portals, Gates Conference)! Sophocles’ Elektra, trans. Ezra Pound and Rudd Fleming

Mar. 12, Euripides’ Iphigenia in Aulis

Mar. 5, Gary Owen’s Iphigenia in Splott

Feb. 27, 17h (as part of the Shortstanding Festival!) H.D.’s Choruses from Iphigenia in Aulis

Jan. 16- Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses


Dec. 12- Charles Mee’s Gone/Requiem for the dead

Dec. 5- T.S. Eliot’s Family Reunion

March 21- Aeschylus’ Eumenides

Feb. 21- Aescylus’ Persians/ Xerxes

Jan. 9- Tragic Friday Evening! Ted Hughes’ Alkestis


Nov. 1- Sophocles’ Trachinai, trans. by Ezra Pound

Oct. 25- Steven Carter’s Pecong

Oct. 18 Caridad Svich’s Wreckage

Oct. 11 Marina Carr’s By the Bog of Cats

Oct. 4- Saturday Afternoon Field trip to see NT’s Medea at the Forum Cinema

March 8- Euripides’ Orestes

March 15- Wole Soyinka’s Death and the King’s Horseman

March 22- Comic Saturday Afternoon! Aristophanes’ Frogs

March 29- Seneca’s Medea April 5- Marina Carr’s By the Bog of Cats

Jan. 11- Euripides’ Helen (piña colada party!)

Jan. 18- Ola Rotimi’s The Gods are not to blame

Jan. 25- Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes

Feb. 1- Seneca’s Oedipus

Feb. 8- Caridad Svich’s Iphigenia crash land falls on the neon shell that was once her heart


Nov. 30- Wajdi Mouawad’s Scorched

Nov. 23- Seneca’s Thyestes (trans. David Slavitt)

Nov. 16- Charles Mee’s Big Love

Nov. 9- Aeschylus’ Suppliants (trans. Peter Burian)

Nov 2.- Euripides’ Hekabe (trans. Anne Carson)